Multigrade Class Policy

School Policy re division of classes

The number of teachers in the school set against the number of pupils will dictate that there may be times when some class groupings will be organised into multi grade setting.. The following guidelines are applied but are open to modification if, in the professional judgement of Principal and staff, this is required.

Allowance will generally be made so as not to have siblings in the same classroom.

Due consideration is always given to having a mixed gender and on the basis of a fair ratio of boys to girls.

Consideration will also be given to the number of SEN children in a classroom

The number of children in the other class in the classrooms involved will also be a factor.

In as far as is practically possible due consideration will be given to the fact that a teacher may have taught a particular group of children for more than two years.

Due to the varying numbers in our classes certain groupings may have to be divided a number of times as they move through the school. It is not desirable that the same split would be made more than once. Therefore the application of different criteria is required. These may be as follows:

·         If the first time a class needs to be split is in the junior end of the school they will be split on the basis of age in that the oldest children will go with the higher class grouping.

·         Selection of alternate age groupings

·         Selection of names on a random lotto basis.